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Here is a small sample of the over 300 paintings that will be featured in our upcoming show at First St. Andrews United Church. Show dates are October 17th to 20th.
Click on images to enlarge.
Hilda Markson Gray
Hyde Park Farm
Sandi McCabe
Annett Farm
Colleen Hansen
Blackfriars Community Gardens
Aura Burditt
Annett Farm
Kathy Geris
Hyde Park Farm
Dorothy (d. Hunter) Adams
Annett Farm
Jan Shillington
Hyde Park Farm
Moira Burke
Wildflower Farm
Sarah Cowling
St James Street
Mary-Anne Watson
Cromarty Gardens
Jane Eberhard
St. Peter's Seminary
Elizabeth Layng
Crump Farm
Alice Price Vermeulen
Gibbons Park
Marilyn Kidd
Gibbons Park
Katherine Davidson
The Bloomin' Bog
Mark Holden
Circle R Ranch
Helen Bruzas
Hyde Park Farm
Brenda Roberts
R&B Lavender Farm
Ilona Burghardt
Melchers Horse Farm
Wendy Reid
Gibbons Park
Helen Onishi
Elgin County Railway Museum
Pat Edgerton
Port Franks
Ingrid Connidis
Blackfriars Area
Sue Johns
The Flower Lady
Beth Stewart
Annett Farm
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